judgment, justice and government, leadership, Morality, prophecy, transforming society

The Church in America Must Repent of Trumpism to Help Heal the Land and Avoid Losing Her Purpose

The church in America must repent of their Trumpism or they risk losing so much more than their country’s God-given democracy that so many have laid down their lives for.

The American Church on President Trump (Picture by Adrian van Leen)

You Have Ignored Bad Character at Your Peril

Repent for ignoring Trump’s character and making a deal with an ungodly man.

Repent for supporting the President regardless of his behavior.

Repent for never showing your displeasure at his evil ways.

Repent for helping to fuel national division so that debate has fallen apart and people are led by lies.

Your failure to be God’s prophetic voice is helping to destroy the country.

Repent for dishonouring the President-elect and fuelling division.

The Man of Lawlessness Is in the Temple

Repent, Church leaders, for leading people to think that God was somehow especially behind Trump. Because you have called evil good, you have been and will continue to be played as the beast’s false prophet. Repent, therefore!

Repent every pastor and church leader that initially helped the church to elect a man of lawlessness into office, and, worse, into the hearts of God’s people (the temple of God), so that he reigns from there.

Repent for not holding the President accountable for his evil ways after you helped him become elected.

Trump is America’s very own beast that you have aided by playing the part of the false prophet.

Repent for every false prophecy spoken about the President.

Repent or You Will Lose Your Light

Repent, for you have profaned God’s name by endorsing evil so that reasonable people won’t want to hear the gospel from you. For, already, to the extent that this has happened, you have lost your light!

Finally, the next time the devil wants to make a deal with you, do what Jesus did when He was offered the kingdoms, or it will cost you dearly as it already has.

“Think how far you have fallen! Turn from your sins and do what you did at first. If you don’t turn from your sins, I will come to you and take your lampstand from its place” (Rev. 2:5 GNB).

Therefore, repent! For God’s word says, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chron. 7:14).

[This word has been an application of the following texts: Matt. 4:8-10; Rev. 13; 2 Thess. 2:1-12; Isaiah 5:20; Rev. 2:5; 2 Chron. 7:14].

More Posts on President Trump and the Coronavirus Judgment:

Character Counts!

President Donald J. Trump and the COVID-19 American Tragedy

Judgment Calls For Repentance!

Don’t Say the J Word

Is the Coronavirus One of God’s Judgements?

Rob Morley

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6 thoughts on “The Church in America Must Repent of Trumpism to Help Heal the Land and Avoid Losing Her Purpose”

    1. Jesus said His kingdom was not of this world. I think all real Christians should stop with the politics, do the good works, and get on with proselytising.

      1. Thanks for your response, Lisa. As I see it, while our priority needs to be on eternal issues, many good works that Christians do are through the domain of politics, even if that’s simply voting wisely. For, while it is essential that the Church focuses on the eternal issues of Jesus’ kingdom, nevertheless, His reign in and through people’s lives ought to also influence all realms of society. After all, the church is also the salt and the light of the world. For, having made people spiritually alive, God can renew their thoughts, and influence this world with His kingdom so that it manifests on earth as it is in heaven. In this way, the church has had a hand in helping with the abolition of slavery, the emancipation of women, and in the founding of the USA with its Constitution.

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